Student Week 2023: An Opportunity for Students to Get to Know Organizations
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- Written by Rizal
- Category: News
- Hits: 372

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) organized a two-day event called Student Week from Monday (28/08) to Tuesday (29/08). This event served as a platform for FEB UGM students to familiarize themselves with the Department Student Associations and Student Organizations (HMJLK) within the faculty. Student Week combined exhibitions with inspirational talk show sessions in the Atrium of the FEB UGM Learning Center building.
On the first day, the event commenced with a welcome address from the Coordinator of the Student Wellness and Personal Development Center (SWPDC) and the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU) of FEB UGM, Arizona Mustika Rini, SE, M.Bus(Acc)., Ph.D., Ak., CA. Following that, Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D. as Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of FEB UGM, also gave a speech as an opening. Visitors could then explore the exhibition to gather information about the HMJLK at each booth.
There were 11 HMJLK participating in this exhibition, including the Student Executive Board (BEM) of FEB UGM, the Student Representative Body (BPM) of FEB UGM, the Gadjah Mada Accounting Students Association (IMAGAMA), the UGM Management Student Family Association (IKAMMA), the Student Association of Economics FEB UGM (HIMIESPA), the Muslim Student Congregation of Economics (JMME), the Christian Student Fellowship (PMK), the Catholic Student Family (KMK), the Student Press and Publishing Body (BPPM) Equilibrium, the Shariah Economics Forum (SEF), and the Global Leadership Forum (GLF). Additionally, the exhibition was enlivened by micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) booths offering snacks and souvenirs.
Furthermore, the event also featured talk show sessions that provided new insights for students. On the first day, Schalke Anindya Putri (Economics 2020), the first-place winner of the 2023 National Outstanding Student Competition, shared her experiences and tips on navigating academic life and competitions. On the second day, representatives from the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) UGM conducted a sharing session about the National Student Competition in the fields of Business, Management, and Finance (KBMK) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud). SWPDC FEB UGM also presented strategies for students to manage stress during their academic journey. This lively event marked the end of this year's Student Week.
Reportage: Rizal Farizi