FEB UGM Hosted the 27th NIBES Meeting: A Discussion Forum for Researchers from Business and Economics Schools Around the World
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- Written by Kilian
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Monday (3/6), the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) was honored to host the 27th annual meeting of the Network of International Business and Economic Schools (NIBES). In this year's meeting the activities will last for three days, 3-5 July 2023. NIBES is a global network of 21 business and economics schools from various countries. This network aims to improve the quality of programs in business, economics, and management on a global scale.
On the first day, the event began with the opening of the meeting, which was held at the 8th Floor Auditorium of the FEB UGM Learning Center Building. After the rendition of the Indonesia Raya anthem and the performance of the Sekar Pudyastuti dance, the event was opened with remarks from the Secretary General of NIBES, Prof. Thomas Cleff. After that, the event continued with remarks from Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Ak., CA. as Dean of FEB UGM and Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, M.M. as Vice Dean of UGM for Research, Business Development, and Cooperation. Furthermore, Prof. Ainun Na'im, the main speaker, presented policies and practices in higher education, especially in economics and business studies.
The event continued with a discussion on research collaboration projects between NIBES members. Then, a local research presentation session with the theme of Sustainable Development Goals began. Heyvon Herdhayinta, Ph.D. became the first speaker, explaining her research on the impact of family and non-family female directors on company value and dividend payout.
An interesting research presentation was also put forward by Rimawan Pradiptyo, Ph.D., regarding the implementation of social costs in corruption cases. In closing the local research session, Prof. Nurul Indarti, Ph.D. presented a research topic with the theme of the role of social entrepreneurship in empowering people with disabilities. The agenda continued with an administrative session filled by Yulia Tinyakova, using her unique method of welcoming international students through Lego toys. The series of events on the first day were closed with group discussions and presentations by the participants.
The agenda on the second day began with a presentation of the latest updates from each NIBES member university. After that, the election of a new Secretary General of NIBES was held. Vesna Zabkar was then elected to the position. The procession continued with a presentation and discussion from Aberdeen Business School as the host for the upcoming NIBES annual meeting.
The schedule of events was then adjusted, and the participants headed to Keraton Yogyakarta after the lunch break. The excitement of the events on the second day was closed with dinner and the Ramayana Ballet performance at Prambanan Temple. On the next day, the agenda was filled with visitation to various tourist attractions, such as Borobudur Temple, the Ullen Sentalu Museum, and Hamzah Mirota Batik Kaliurang, as well as closing the series of events of the 27th annual meeting of NIBES.
Reportage: Kilian Arjunata and Rizal Farizi
Find more about NIBES – Network of International Business and Economics Schools