FEB UGM Provides Psychological Counseling Services to Maintain Students' Mental Health
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- Written by Kurnia
- Category: News
- Hits: 221

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), is committed to improving the mental health of its students. One of the initiatives developed by FEB UGM is offering psychological consultation services for students.
These psychological consultation services are managed under the Career and Student Development Center (CSDU) FEB UGM. Students can access this service for free through the Sintesis platform (academics.feb.ugm.ac.id/portalmhs) under the "Consultation" menu.
The Head of CSDU, Arizona Mustikarini, Ph.D., stated that providing psychological consultation services is part of FEB UGM's commitment to supporting students' mental health and creating a healthier campus environment, including mental well-being.
Students' mental health is a priority for FEB UGM. Mental health is a critical factor in students' success, making it a key focus for FEB UGM," she explained on Friday (13/9) at FEB UGM.
Arizona mentioned that the psychological consultation services are one of FEB UGM's efforts to build a positive campus environment. A positive environment is expected to impact students' development positively.
"This psychological consultation is aimed at detecting if any students are facing challenges or issues related to mental health. Through this service, it is hoped that we can provide maximum assistance in addressing the problems students encounter," she explained.
A professional psychologist supports the psychological counseling services at FEB UGM. In addition to professional psychologists, CSDU provides peer support and counseling services. These peer supporters are FEB UGM students selected through a rigorous process and trained in basic counseling skills and psychological first aid. Peer support consultations are conducted under the supervision of FEB UGM's professional psychologist, who also serves as FEB UGM's mental health officer.
"The presence of peer support is expected to act as an early warning system when students are experiencing mental health challenges or tendencies toward mental health disorders," she added.
In addition to identifying mental health challenges among students, the mental health counseling services, which will be launched in 2020, also aim to prevent mental health problems. This includes educating students about mental health through various channels, including social media.
For FEB, UGM students who feel they are facing mental health challenges or need to talk, the Psychological Counseling Services are available. Don't hesitate to use this service, as your story and identity will be kept confidential. The Psychological Counseling Services are accessible through the Synthesis account, but students can also contact the Psychology Team at 08112843884 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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