FEB UGM Holds Blood Donation and Free Health Check-Up Event to Celebrate its 69th Anniversary
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As part of its 69th anniversary celebration, the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held a blood donation and free health check-up event for its academic community and professional staff, titled Doremi (Donor Darah Ekonomi). The event was held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at the FEB UGM Hall.
During the opening ceremony, FEB UGM's Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources, Suyanto, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D., stated that the blood donation event reflects FEB's concern for public health. This blood donation activity is expected to help meet the high demand for blood in the Yogyakarta region.
"Thank you to the academic community and professional staff who have contributed by donating their blood. This blood donation will benefit people or patients in need," he said on Wednesday (9/11).
One hundred and seventeen FEB UGM participants, including students, professional staff, and lecturers, participated in the blood donation activity. In addition to blood donation, the event also offered free health check-ups, including blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and uric acid tests.
The blood donation and health check-up activities were a result of collaboration between FEB UGM, the Social and Community Department of the FEB UGM Student Executive Board (Sosmas BEM FEB UGM), the UGM Academic Hospital (RSA UGM), the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), and Akur Optic.
The blood donation and free health check-up activities received a positive response from the academic community and professional staff of FEB UGM. One of the participants was Taskia Habibah, a student of the Economics Study Program, Class of 2024, who welcomed the event. According to her, this activity is very beneficial in helping people in need, especially regarding blood supply.
“This is my first time donating blood because I wanted to contribute to helping others,” she said.
Meanwhile, Tri Anggara Ari Prasetya, a professional Research and Training Unit for Economics and Business (P2EB) FEB UGM staff member, expressed his hope that blood donation activities could be held annually. He emphasized that blood donation not only contributes to the supply of blood in Yogyakarta but also provides an opportunity for people to participate in blood donation.
Wirawan Edi Sumantri, a professional staff member of the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU) FEB UGM, was happy to have the opportunity to receive a free health check-up as part of the 69th-anniversary celebration of FEB UGM. He noted that the health check-up benefited him by allowing him to understand his health condition and consult directly with health workers on ways to improve a healthy lifestyle.
“I hope this event can be held again next year so that FEB UGM’s academic community can become more aware of their physical condition and make improvements where needed,” he said.
Reportage: Orie Priscylla Mapeda Lumalan
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
See the 69th-anniversary agenda here
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