Number of Accountants in Indonesia Remains Low
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The head of the Yogyakarta regional chapter of the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI), Sandra Pracipta, M.Acc., CPA, said there is still a shortage of public accountants in Indonesia. The number of certified public accountants is significantly low compared to the population of Indonesia.
According to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), as reported by the Financial Profession Development Center (PPPK) of the Ministry of Finance in February 2023, the number of registered public accountants in Indonesia who are active members is only 1,464 people. This number is minimal compared to Indonesia's population of more than 282 million.
"The number of accountants in Indonesia is still far from meeting the country's needs," she said on Friday (September 27) while delivering a speech at the graduation ceremony of the Professional Accounting Program Period I of 2024 at FEB UGM.
Seeing this situation, Sandra Pracipta mentioned that there is an excellent opportunity to become an accountant in Indonesia. Therefore, in the future, graduates of the accounting program at FEB UGM can become the accountants that the country needs to support better economic development.
At the same graduation ceremony, FEB UGM professor Prof. Syaiful Ali, MIS., Ph.D., Ak., CA. also highlighted the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the accounting profession. The advent of AI presents significant challenges and promising opportunities for accountants in the digital age.
Syaiful urged the audience to take a constructive view of AI. He emphasized that AI should not be seen as a threat but a powerful tool that can improve and simplify human life.
Reportage: Orie Priscylla Mapeda Lumalan
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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