FEB UGM Provides Complimentary Breakfast for Students During Mid-Term Exams
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- Written by Kurnia
- Category: News
- Hits: 157

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) once again provides free meals for students during the semester exams. The effort is a form of FEB UGM's commitment to support students' health, especially the fulfillment of nutrition during exams, as part of efforts to realize a healthy campus.
Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com, Ak, CA, said that complimentary breakfast has become a routine agenda of FEB UGM since 2023. This activity is part of the Mood Booster program, managed by the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU).
"By providing free breakfast, it is hoped that students who take exams in the morning can be calmer when taking the exam," he explained on Monday (30/9) at FEB UGM.
FEB UGM will provide 200 servings of healthy breakfast daily during the midterm period, from September 30 to October 12. During the midterms, complimentary breakfast will also be provided to students taking their final semester exams.
Complimentary breakfast throughout mid-term exams with a different menu each day. Since last year, FEB has provided students with free snacks and healthy drinks during midterm and final exams. However, starting with the mid-term in the odd semester of 2024/2025, FEB UGM will provide a complimentary breakfast, which is expected to further boost the spirit of students undergoing semester exams.
"There is a significant difference in the implementation of the Mood Booster program during this period. We are offering breakfast with different interesting menus during the UTS period. Hopefully, with a full stomach, students can improve their academic performance and be more focused during exams," added Head of CSDU FEB UGM, Dr. Arizona Mustikarini.
Arizona said another program to boost the spirit of students facing exams was to hold an interactive campaign for students. The interactive campaign is Exam Season Mood Check, where students can stick stickers according to their mood.
In this Exam Season Mood Check, three different stickers of different colors are provided: yellow to describe a happy mood, blue to describe a sad mood, and red to describe feelings of anger. The hope is that this campaign will help students better identify their feelings.
"Through the Exam Season Mood Check, it is hoped that students will be able to recognize their feelings because the first step to maintaining mental health is recognizing one's condition, including feelings," she said.
The Mood Booster program, which includes a free breakfast, has received a positive response from students. Love's Nurani Hasan, an accounting student in the Class of 2024, said the free breakfast helped her a lot. During exam time, students are usually busy studying and often skip breakfast.
"The free breakfast is also very helpful, especially for students like me who have limited finances," she said.
Muhamad Sukron Mahfud shared the same sentiment. A student in the Class of 2022's management program, he saw the free breakfast program as an encouragement for students as they face exams.
"This program really helps, especially when you haven't had breakfast in the morning, or you study late at night, and then the next morning, you get a free and healthy breakfast," he explained.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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