Mood Booster Lifts FEB UGM Students' Spirits During Exams
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- Written by Shofi
- Category: News
- Hits: 116

The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) is again demonstrating its commitment to supporting the well-being of its students during the exam period through the Mood Booster program.
Managed by the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU), the program provides breakfast and mental health campaigns for students taking semester exams. This initiative is conducted regularly during midterm (UTS) and final (UAS) exams. For this semester's final exams, the Mood Booster program will run from December 2 to 13, 2024.
Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at FEB UGM, highlighted that the Mood Booster program reflects FEB UGM's commitment to supporting students' success during their studies. This includes providing students with healthy meals during exam periods.
"FEB UGM continues its commitment to supporting academic success, especially during the critical period of semester exams. In addition to providing healthy meals, FEB UGM offers stress management resources through a QR code link and psychological counseling services for students in need," he explained on Wednesday (December 4, 2024) at FEB UGM.
Through this program, Bayu expressed the hope that it would motivate students to approach exams more enthusiastically. "We hope this program will encourage students to perform well during their exams and achieve excellent results," he said.
The Mood Booster program is part of FEB UGM's efforts to create a healthy and supportive campus environment for all students and professional staff. "The university period has significant potential to be a source of stress for students, often accompanied by various negative emotions. That is why the CSDU and the Peer Support Team are organizing this program to support them," said Anisa Yuliandri, S.Psi., M.Psi., psychologist, from the CSDU of FEB UGM.
She added that the program aims to boost students' mood and spirits during exams. "With Mood Booster, students feel appreciated, and it serves as a positive stimulus to optimize their academic performance," Anisa continued.
The program has received positive feedback from students. Listia Wahyu, an economics student in the class of 2021, shared how the program helps students who often skip breakfast due to busy schedules. "Coincidentally, I hadn't eaten before my class this morning, so I was thrilled with this program. I hope initiatives like this continue," she said.
Amyra Syiffa Ullynnas echoed this sentiment, noting how helpful the program is for students living in dormitories. She also appreciated the nutritional value of the meals provided. "FEB UGM offers menus that consider nutritional balance and are also delicious. This is very helpful, especially for morning exams," said the economics major.
Reportage: Shofi Hawa Anjani
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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