The Importance of Mastering Critical Thinking in the Digital Era
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Critical thinking is a vital skill, especially in today's digital age. This was emphasized by Amanda Wijayanti, S.E., M.S., Lecturer in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, during the Star Lead: Critical Thinking session on Friday, 22 November 2024, at the Pertamina Tower Auditorium, FEB UGM.
Sharing insights on critical thinking with FEB UGM students, Amanda highlighted that critical thinking plays a crucial role in problem-solving and decision-making. "Critical thinking helps with problem-solving and decision-making, especially in this age of information overload," Amanda explained.
Amanda compared critical thinking to being a detective. When faced with a situation, you must examine the facts, understand different perspectives, and make accurate decisions.
She added that the ability to think, speak, and write critically is a key to success, especially in academia. Therefore, she encouraged the participants to cultivate critical thinking by asking questions. According to her, asking questions can open the door to deeper understanding. "The core components of critical thinking include observation, analysis, inference, evaluation, communication, and, of course, the ability to ask questions," she explained.
In the digital age, with a plethora of information, Amanda emphasized the importance of critical thinking. She urged students not to accept information at face value but to strive to identify and verify the evidence behind it.
"Like opinions, there are weak opinions based solely on assumptions or personal feelings without strong evidence," Amanda explained.
Amanda also pointed out that critical thinking is fundamental for writers to present relevant and accurate information. A writer must understand the topic, use relevant data, and present it logically to the reader.
She also touched on the role of critical thinking in the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI). According to her, critical thinking is essential to ensure that humans remain in control and not become entirely dependent on machines.
Amanda emphasized that critical thinking concerns something other than feeling superior or always being right. Instead, it involves openness and a willingness to accept mistakes. "Critical thinking involves empathy, open-mindedness, and a curious approach to ideas and people," she said.
Reportase: Orie Priscylla Mapeda Lumalan
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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