FEB UGM Women's Volleyball Team Wins 3rd Place in the 75th Anniversary UGM Volleyball Invitational
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- Written by Kurnia
- Category: News
- Hits: 113

The women's volleyball team of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM secured the joint 3rd place in the Volleyball Invitational held to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of UGM and the 15th Lustrum.
The FEB UGM women's volleyball team shared 3rd place with the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UGM. FEB UGM lost 0-2 in the quarterfinals to the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) UGM. Meanwhile, in another group, FT UGM faced the Central Administration Bureau (KPTU) team and also lost with a score of 0-2. In the final, the FTP team defeated the KPTU team with a score of 3-0.
The invitational, held at the UGM Valley Sports Hall (GOR Lembah UGM) from 2 to 5 December, saw 13 strong teams representing various faculties within UGM. FEB UGM fielded 11 players for the women's volleyball invitational, namely Donna Regy Pansy, Umi Rokhayati, Kurnia Ekaptiningrum, Anindya Paramita, Alfiani Nurohmah, Sheila Andriana Pratista, Ravenska Novayanti, Ika Rahmawati, Sunarti, Arum Indrasari and Dyah Nuri H.
Waluyo, the FEB UGM women's volleyball team manager, expressed his pride in the team's performance in this year's Volleyball Invitational. He emphasized that the success resulted from the team's hard work and unity in striving to give their best in every match.
"Hopefully, we can achieve even better results in the future," he said on Friday (12/11/2024).
FEB UGM's participation in the Volleyball Invitational, part of UGM's 75th Anniversary and 15th Lustrum, reflects its commitment to fostering a healthy and inclusive campus environment. This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly promoting health and well-being.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals