UGM Welcomes Two New Professors, Releases Four Retired Professors
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Prof. Dr.rer.soc. R. Agus Sartono, MBA, who is currently the Deputy Head of Education and Religious Affairs, office of Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, Friday (28/1), was inaugurated as a new professor. Agus who is also a lecturer in the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business, together with Prof. Dr. Ir. Sardjono, M.S. from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology has officially become a member of the UGM Council of Professors. The inauguration ceremony was held in the Professors’ Farewell and Welcoming event led by Acting Chairman, Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Muslimah Widyastuti, M.Sc., accompanied by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mohtar Masoed at the Senate Hall.
In addition to the Executive Board of the University, the leaders of the Board of Trustees and the Academic Senate also attended the event. Executive Board members in attendance were the Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., Senior Vice Rector for Education, Research, and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Retno Sunarminingsih, M.Sc., Apt., Senior Vice Rector for Administration and Human Resources, Prof. Ainun Naim, Ph.D., and Vice Rector of Alumni Affairs and Business Development, Prof. Ir. Atyanto Dharoko, M. Phil., Ph.D.
Meanwhile, the four professors who retire are Prof. Dr. Istriyati, M.S. (Faculty of Biology), Prof. dr. Soesanto Tjokrosonto, M.Comm.H., M.Sc., DTM & H., Ph.D., Prof. dr. Harsono, Sp.S (K), and Prof. dr. Siti Nurdjanah, Sp.PD.M.Kes, KGEH, all three are from the Faculty of Medicine.
With the inauguration and releases of these professors, currently UGM has 438 professors. Of that number, 279 are still active, 36 are emeritus professors, 1 extraordinary professor, and 122 already retired. "On behalf of the University, we would like to thank the professors who have retired, while for new professors, we say welcome and hopefully they can contribute to the development of UGM," said Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Muslimah Widyastuti, M.Sc.
Prof. dr. Harsono, Sp.S (K) representing the retiring professors in his speech said that the retirement is an enjoyment and brings new opportunities to initiate new activities as well. "Retirement is not the end of everything for us. This is a new beginning for us to move on," he said. On the occasion, Prof. Harsono also gratefully acknowledged the cooperation and the opportunities presented by UGM and fellow professors to contribute for the campus development.
On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sardjono, M.S, representing the new professors, hopes to work together with other great teachers in order to develop UGM. "As a new member, let's improve our cooperation for the development of UGM," said Sardjono.
In line with Prof. Sardjono, Prof. Agus Sartono also expressed the commitment to contribute thoughts and knowledge for the development of UGM. The achievement made until today, according to Sartono, cannot be separated from the great work of UGM. Despite having a high workload as Deputy Head of Education and Religious Affairs, Agus said that he was not going to leave his job teaching at UGM. "At least, I can still teach once a week, both here and the UGM campus in Jakarta," said the man born in Purworejo, October 30, 1961.
Source: Marwati/UGM