Prof. Dr. Soekanto Reksohadiprodjo passed away
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- Written by Sony
- Category: Obituary
- Hits: 2484

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has again lost its best teacher. Is Prof. Dr. Soekanto Reksohadiprodjo, M.Com, Professor of FEB UGM who has served for FEB UGM for approximately 57 years. He passed away at the Yogyakarta Panti Rapih Hospital on Friday, April 10, 2020 at 06.53 WIB in the age of 68 years.
Prof. Soekanto was born in Semarang, 4 November 1940. History records that the deceased had studied at three different universities. He holds a Bachelor's degree at UGM, a Masters at the University of Illinois, USA, and holds a Doctorate at the University of Colorado, USA. It is not surprising that during his lifetime, the deceased won many proud achievements, including the 25 Years of Loyalty Award from UGM in 1996, and Satya Lencana Karya Satya from President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2002.
His journey of service as an academic began when he start his career as a Lecturer of FEB UGM in 1962. Then in 1973, the deceased was believed to be the Secretary of the Dean of FEB UGM. Continuing in 1982-1988, he was given the mandate to serve as Dean of FEB UGM. Good performance as a dean, drove him to become the rector of UGM in 1994 to 1998. In 1997 until now, the deceased was named as a Professor of FEB UGM.
Prof. Soekanto has contributed greatly to FEB UGM, as remembered by the Dean of FEB UGM Eko Suwardi, Ph.D. "FEB UGM really lost the figure of Prof. Kanto. He is a figure of a leader, mentor, teacher, and also a senior of FEB UGM. His contribution to the Faculty is truly immeasurable. Hopefully he dies in the state of Husnul Khatimah.", said him.
All leaders and all Society of Academicians of FEB UGM is mourn in the death of Prof. Dr. Soekanto Reksohadiprodjo, M.Com. May the deceased deeds be received at His side.
Goodbye Prof. Soekanto, all of your services will always be remembered.
Source: Sony Budiarso / Leila Chanifah Z.
Photo: Humas UGM