FEB Students Received Best Project Award at IDEAS Summit Batch 4
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 1951

There is a different nuance in Pertamina Tower Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) last Thursday, March 8, 2018. A lot of people wearing batik was making line to get a lurik welcoming merchandise from the committee. These people is the participants for IDEAS Summit Batch 4 that held by Ikatan Keluarga Mahasiswa Manajemen (IKAMMA) FEB UGM. IDEAS Summit Batch 4 is one of The 12th Management Events series. IDEAS Summit Batch 4 is a competition in national scope that required the participant to make a social business model (sociopreneur).
IDEAS Summit Batch 4 is consist of 3 part, those are abstract submission, proposal submission and project presentation. In abstract submission, all the registrant is being sort to be seventy best teams. Those 70 teams are being selected into twenty best teams with proposal submission. The twenty teams that pass this proposal stage have chance to present the project that was made to the judges in 10 minutes (consist of 7 minutes material presentation and 3 minutes question and answer)
Beside the competition stage, there are other event in IDEAS Summit Batch 4. Those events are insight session, conference, and field trip. This event was closed by banquet and awarding for 1st best project, 2nd best project, best marketing, best team, and best delegate. In the closing ceremony, the team consist of Graini Annisa (Accounting 2016), Maura Finessa Winayo (Accounting 2016) and Moh. Andhika Satria Perdana (Accounting 2017) come as the representative of Undergraduate Student of FEB UGM is success to get 1st best project. The project that they are propose is to make paving block from plastic rubbish. This business project is believed beside has good impact to the society yet also has impact to the environment.
Source: Fris