Dr. Wuri Handayani Won the 2019 Literati Award
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- Written by Ika
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 1814

For more than 25 years, Emerald Publishing, United Kingdom (UK) has given awards in the form of the Emerald Literati Award as a form of appreciation to writers for scientific research.
This year, an article, written by Wuri Handayani, Ph.D (Lecture at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM), entitled "A Bourdieusian Perspective in Exploring the Emergence and Evolution of the Field of Islamic Microfinance in Indonesia" published in the Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research was selected as the winner of Emerald Literati Award 2019 in "The Most Exceptional Piece of Work" category.
Not only Mrs. Wuri, the "Higly Commended" award was also given to Prof. Dr. Basu Swasta Dharmmestha and BM. Purwanto, Ph.D for his article titled "Analyzing Consumer Participation in the Boycott Movement Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process: Indonesia Context" published in the Journal of Islamic Marketing.
The criteria used to assess awards are based on six areas that inform the development of Emerald Publishing products, including: internationality; diversity; support for scientific research; encouragement of applied research (impact); commitment to high quality scholarships; and the desire to ensure the best experience of readers, writers and customers.
The award certificate was handed over directly by Emerald-East Asia Vice President, Mr. Wan Yat Seng to the three FEB UGM lecturers in the Kertanegara Room, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM on September 16, 2019.
Source: FEB Public Relation