FEB UGM Students successfully won 1st Winner and 2nd Winner at Accounting Paper Competition DASH 2019
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- Written by Ika
- Category: Achievement
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Students of Faculty Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada once again achieved national awards. Two UGM representative teams successfully won two awards in the Accounting Paper Competition Diponegoro Accounting’s Harmony (APC DASH) 2019 which was held in Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang on September 27-28. APC is a branch of paper writing competition to welcome the birth of reliable accountants who are able to adapt to the times. With the theme "Embracing the Roles of Accountants to Achieve Golden Indonesia in 2045", the competition is expected to contribute to the improvement of accountant competencies in the future.
The Tora Team, consisting of Leila Chanifah Zuhri (Accounting 2017) and Yudhi Permadi (Accounting 2017) and the Menteng 64 Team, consisted of Pascasius Zorro Chrisgi (Accounting 2018) and Richard Giofanny Wiraputra (Accounting 2018), successfully winning 1st and 2nd place in APC DASH 2019, while 3rd place was won by the Harvest Moon Team from the University of Indonesia. This competition consists of four stages, namely the abstract selection stage, full paper selection, the presentation round, and the agree disagree statements round.
It is indeed not easy to be able to occupy this position, after going through the abstract and full paper selection stages, both teams were successfully selected and entered into the ranks of the 10 finalists. The ten finalist teams came from various different universities throughout Indonesia, such as the Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Universitas Kristen Petra, and others.
The finalists were then invited to present ideas presented at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Diponegoro. The Tora team offers the idea of reformulating an accounting education curriculum in Indonesia that is considered too narrow and not relevant to developing student skills by carrying out the application of accounting plus skills framework and Information Technology Communication (ICT) skills development. Meanwhile, the Menteng 64 Team presented the concept of applying data analytics and interpersonal skills as a fulfillment of the skills needed in the business world.
The six finalists selected in the presentation round will proceed to the final round, namely the agree and disagree statement round. In this round, the finalists are challenged to argue logically and systematically related to the Management Information System case. Determination of winners is obtained from the accumulation of full paper values, presentations, and the agree and disagree statement round.
The competition lasted for two days, namely Friday, September 27 to Saturday, September 28, 2019. On the first day, the finalists attended the technical meeting first and then followed the field trip to Gedong Songo Temple, Semarang. On the following day, the finalists held the presentation round, the agree and disagree statement round, and ended with an awarding night at Patra Hotel & Convention, Semarang.
Source: FEB Public Relation