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- Written by Najwah
- Category: Alumni Corner
- Hits: 71
Becoming a successful entrepreneur at a young age is a dream for many. It is also true for Buyung Samudra (Business-IUP 2019), who dreamed of successfully building his own business. This alumni of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Management Studies, FEB UGM shared his experience in building a dimsum and Chinese food restaurant business called Taigersprung.
Read more: The Success Story in Building Taigersprung Dimsum Restaurant Since College
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- Written by Shofi
- Category: Alumni Corner
- Hits: 81
Personal branding has become a critical element in the professional world, a distinguishing characteristic that sets you apart. An authentic and consistent self-image can help build stronger connections and open up more meaningful opportunities. It is no longer a trend but a necessity for anyone who wants to succeed.
Read more: How to Build Personal Brand to Support Your Career