How to Build Personal Brand to Support Your Career
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- Written by Shofi
- Category: Alumni Corner
- Hits: 81

Personal branding has become a critical element in the professional world, a distinguishing characteristic that sets you apart. An authentic and consistent self-image can help build stronger connections and open up more meaningful opportunities. It is no longer a trend but a necessity for anyone who wants to succeed.
Bobby B. Suadi, M.B.A., a marketing expert, explains that building a personal brand starts with understanding yourself and identifying your areas of interest.
"Before exploring your passion, you need to do a self-assessment to understand yourself. Discover what you enjoy and what your talents are. Then start learning and exploring," explained the FEB UGM alumnus during a recent FEBerkarya How to build personal branding.
In today's digital age, individuals can develop personal branding through social media content. With the ease of making something go viral, many people use social media to express themselves and gain popularity through their branding efforts.
Bobby explained that someone's public image can change even if their positioning remains the same. For example, Deddy Corbuzier was initially known as a mentalist and magician. However, he has since transitioned to being a talk show host.
"Even though his career has changed, his positioning remains the same - an expert in his field, whether it is magic or hosting talk shows," Bobby explained.
Such significant changes demonstrate that personal branding can evolve with one's career. Therefore, it is essential to remain adaptable to new opportunities.
To prepare for their careers, Bobby advises students to align their thoughts and feelings with their goals. By continuously pushing themselves to improve their skills, students can accelerate their technical and soft skills self-development, making them more prepared to face the competitive job market. In addition, students should motivate themselves to seek out companies with a positive and vibrant culture, such as multinational corporations.
In addition, Bobby shared several necessary preparations students must make before entering the workforce. The first step is to set clear career goals, both short and long-term. Next, they should develop leadership skills and cultivate the agility to adapt to change.
"My message to students is to dare to dream big and be clear about what they want to achieve. As the saying goes, 'the sky is the limit. Today, even seemingly impossible dreams can become a reality thanks to the many opportunities available. So students need to keep moving, keep creating, dare to dream, and make those dreams come true by leveraging technology and the opportunities available," he concluded.
Reportage: Shofi Hawa Anjani
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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