National Seminar: The Impact of Free Trade on Developing Countries in the case in Indonesia
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- Category: Event
- Hits: 2534
Studies and Economics Discussion Forum (FSDE) 2010 will organize a national seminar on the topic "The Impact of Free Trade on Developing Countries in the case in Indonesia."
The event will be held on Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 08:00 to 15:00 pm, located at auditorium hall MM UGM, by presenting speakers as follows:
- DR. Marie Elka Pangestu (Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia)
- IR. Ardiansyah Parman (Secretary General of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia)
- DR. Muliaman D Hadad (Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia)
- Poltak Hotradero, SE, MBA (Head of Research Indonesia Stock Exchange)
- Bambang Sujagad Susanto, SE, MA (Vice-Chairman of KADIN)
- DR. Sri Adiningsih (Economic Observer, Lecturer FEB UGM)
- DR. Sumedi Andono Mulyo (Head of Regional Develeopment and Autonomy, BAPPENAS)
- Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, Ph.D. (Director of the Master of Management UGM)
- Djaelani Soetomo (Director of Marketing and Trading PT. PERTAMINA)
- Poppy Ismalina, SE, M. Ec, Ph.D (Lecturer FEB UGM)
Ticket Box: S1 Students Students S2/Umum IDR 60,000 and IDR 80,000. Facilities: coffee breaks, lunch, seminar kit, and certificate.
Tickets can be obtained at FEB UGM (Faculty Hall), MEP UGM, MM UGM CP: Agavani (085740876006).