International Seminar: The Miracle of Islamic Economics: Improving Global Resilience towards Balanced Growth and Development
- Details
- Category: Event
- Hits: 2748
Shariah Economics Forum (SEF) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada held Shariah Economics This Year (SETY) 2013 with one of the agenda is organize an international seminar with the topic "The Miracle of Islamic Economics : Improving Global Resilience towards Balanced Growth and Development."
The seminar will held on :
- Day, date : Saturday, November 30, 2013
- Time : 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EDT
- Place : Auditorium MM FEB UGM
Speakers :
- Paul E. Wouters (Islamic Finance and Wealth Management Consulting, CEO at PT. Senturiyon Global)
- Bekti Hendrianto, S.E., M.Ec (Senior Researcher at P3EI FE UII, Lecturer at FE UII)
- Prof. Dr. Dato' Syed Othman Al Habsyi (Professor of Islamic Economics, Chief Academic Officer of INCEIF)
- Dr. Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera (Dean at IIUM)
- Rifki Ismal, Ph.D (Directorate of Islamic Banking Bank Indonesia)
Facilities : coffee break, seminar kit, lunch, sharing magazine and a certificate.
Contributions Tickets : Students DIII/S1 : Rp 65.000 , - General : Rp 70.000 , - and currently the location : Rp 75.000 , -
Ticket Box : Faculty Hall FEB UGM
Further information can contact : 085729925795, follow twitter @sety2013, website :