National Seminar: Quality Reform of Public Sector Audit Practices for the Realization of Social Welfare
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 2263
The Gadjah Mada Accounting Student Association (IMAGAMA) organizes the annual Gadjah Mada Accounting Days (GMAD 2017), one of the main agenda is conduct a National Seminar with the topic "Quality Reform of Public Sector Audit Practices for the Realization of Social Welfare," (Indonesian: Reformasi Kualitas Praktik Audit Sektor Publik demi Terwujudnya Kesejateraan Sosial).
The national seminar will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: May 6, 2017
- Time: 7.30am to 2pm
- Venue: Grand Tjokro Hotel, Jln Afandi No:37 Yogyakarta
- Sri Wahyuningsih* (Inspectorate General of Ministry of Internal Affairs)
- M. Jusuf Wibisana, S.E., Ak., C.A., C.P.A. (Partner Pricewaterhouse Coopers Indonesia)
- Muhammad Yusuf Ateh, Ak., M.B.A. (Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Supervision of the Ministry of PAN-RB)
- Dr. H. Harry Azhar Aziz, M.A.* (Head of Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia)
- Yenny Sucipto (Secretary General of Seknas FITRA)
Moderator: Ade Mulya (News Anchor)
Registration of participants:
- Seminar Fee Rp100.000,-
- Tickets can be obtained at FEB UGM Hall, Gramedia Sudirman, UGM Central Library, Togamas Kota Baru, or through website
For further information please contact: Event 08562922106 (Azka), Ticket 085640189547 (Fatika), website