The 12th Management's Events: Uniting Cross-Major Students
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: News
- Hits: 3532

The annual event Management’s Events (ME) was officially opened. In its 12th year, Management’s Events has three sub-events, which are Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition (GMBCC) that has entered its 6th year, is an international-level business case competition. Indonesia Studentpreneur Summit (IDEAS) is a student socio-preneurship competition, and Exposure is a creative-market expo. On March 8th – 10th 2018, ME successfully held its GMBCC and IDEAS.
The purpose of GMBCC is to find best solutions from the participants regarding the problems faced by clients. In this year, GMBCC cooperated with General Electric Indonesia and Hyatt Regency Hotel. This international business case competition gives an opportunity for students around the world to prove their ability in solving real business case problem. This year, GMBCC was attended by students from Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, and Nigeria.
IDEAS was held to increase the business interest in socio-preneurship among students from various background. This year, IDEAS Insight Session was leading a theme "Disruptive Innovation and Its Role to Create Digital-Based Creative Sociopreneur" with notable speakers; Dahlan Iskan (Ministry of State Owned Enterprises 2011-2014), Maria Harfanti (Miss Indonesia 2015), Fadli Wilihandarwo (CEO and Co-Founder of, Maurice Shawndefar (Urban Development Specialist for UNDP), and also Suryadi Suryadinata (Head of Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia).
Both events were held on the purpose of being a medium for students from management or other majors to develop soft-skills related to each person’s passion. “Management’s events was held to unite students and become a medium to pour their ideas so that the purpose of each event has a positive effect.” said Project Director of The 12th Management’s Events, Halina Pandurattri.
Source: Acha/FEB