Career in the Ministry of Finance for the Best Talent
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- Written by Mumtaz
- Category: News
- Hits: 2022

On Thursday, April 25, 2019 in collaboration with Ministry of Finance HR Bureau of Republic of Indonesia, FEB UGM held "Rekrutmen CPNS Kementrian Keuangan Campaign" at Learning Center Auditorium 8th Floor, FEB UGM. This event intended to disseminate the information regarding CPNS recruitment in Ministry of Finance and to select the best-talented ones of FEB UGM especially from the Accounting Department. Attended as speakers, Rakhma Atrikarini, STP, M.M and Dian Novitasari, SIP, M.Ec.Dev, the alumni of Universiats Gadjah Mada which are working as staff at Ministry of Finance HR Bureau.
From a series of post-test recruitment held by Ministry of Finance HR, it discovered that the registrant’s enthusiasm from Accounting Department is not that high. "Last year we held the similar event at Faculty of Law, the participant number was not that bad, but after analyzing we discovered that the participant’s enthusiasm from Accounting Department is very low, inversely we need reliable personnel in the accounting," said Rakhma which was the first speaker. Furthermore, Rakhma introduced the excellence of Ministry of Finance compared to other institutions, organization structure, distribution of regional offices, vision and mission, and institution values.
Ministry of Finance is an institution that has a vital role in organizing and managing state finances. It is also the pioneer of bureaucratic reformation. "In order to have Ministry of Finance personnel that is able to work in harmony with institution vision and mission, Ministry of Finance sustainable structuring the personnel by prioritizing the competences", said Rakhma.
One of the Ministry of Finance’s missions is to approach and maintain the best talent in the class by taking into account the proportion of competitive employee values. "That’s why we held this campaign at UGM again because of the undoubted quality of the talents from UGM", explained Rakhma who is usually called Rara.
The second speaker, Dian Novitasaro, SIP, M.Ec.Dev. explained the position formation at Ministry of Finance and (position formation accounting qualification). She specifically explained all positions in Ministry of Finance. "There are so many positions in Ministry of Finance, such as budget analyzer, state asset analyzer, financial analyzer and many more", said Dian.
Dian explained the data of accounting alumni working at Ministry of Finance from 2012 to 2018. "37 personnel have an Accounting degree, 2 personnel are Master of Accounting profession, and 110 personnel have Accounting Diploma". Ministry of Finance is also employing personnel with various educational backgrounds, such as Pharmacy, International relations, and Japanese literature.
These two speakers also conveyed some tips on how to pass the recruitment test and advised the participants to prepare the requirements. "It is advised to prepare all of the documents and requirements from now on to pass the test once Ministry of Finance offers job vacancy because the enthusiasm of registrants is always high", said Dian.
Source: Mumtaz Mahfud