Looking at the Learning Atmosphere and Career Prospects at Accounting FEB UGM
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- Written by Leila
- Category: News
- Hits: 1392

As part of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM), the Undergraduate Program of Accounting Study Program offers a curriculum design that helps students understand economics. This is very important because the accounting function can protect the public interest. In fact, accounting is a process of identifying, recording, and communicating economic transactions to be analyzed and interpreted by users for decision making (Weygandt et al., 2015). The accounting information includes the profit/loss generated by the business, the condition of equity, the value of assets and trade payables, and the company's cash flow. This information will later be used by internal and external users in various business decisions.
The Undergraduate Program of Accounting Study Program at FEB UGM has six areas of concentration, namely financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, public sector accounting, tax accounting, and accounting information systems. Graduates will have broad career prospects ranging from auditors, management accountants, government accountants, financial analysts, internal auditors, educators (lecturers), and tax consultants to businessmen. Some alumni who have had brilliant careers include Djohan Pinarwan (PwC Indonesia Partner), Bob Tyasika Ananta (Director of Human Capital and BNI Compliance), Nawal Nely (Deputy of Finance and Risk Management of the Ministry of BUMN), Aliuyanto (Owner Solaria), and Nadine Gaus (Wearingklamby).
Both students and lecturers of Accounting FEB UGM are active in various activities and have won many awards at the national and international levels. Some of the achievements made by students include the Gold Medal and Silver Medal in PIMNAS, 1st Place in the Accounting Paper Competition, and 1st Place in the National Business Case Competition. The lecturers have successfully received various awards, including Best 1 Social Humanities Academic Leader, Best 3 Social Humanites Achieving Lecturer, Emerald Literati Award, and The Best Reviewer Award American Accounting Association (AAA).
In addition, the Accounting Study Program is also active in conducting various research and studies. Some of the study centers that are owned include the Center for Educational Accounting Studies (PKAP), the Center for Information Systems Studies (PKSI), the Center for Management Accounting Studies and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (PAM UMKM), as well as the Public Sector Studies and Taxation (PSST). The Undergraduate Program of Accounting Study Program also actively contributes to educational activities and community service by holding various training, simulation, and technical guidance programs.
Source: Leila Chanifah Zuhri / Sony Budiarso