Get to Know Your Campus Closer through the FEB Open Campus 2020
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The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held the "FEB Open Campus 2020" event. The event was held on Saturday (29/8), as part of a series of activities for the 65th Anniversary of FEB UGM (Lustrum XIII). FEB Open Campus is an event for high school students to get an overview of lectures and job prospects for FEB UGM graduates. The theme of this year's FEB Open Campus was "Responding the Pandemic by Elevating Knowledge and Social Concern with Integrity". Unlike the previous years, FEB Open Campus 2020 was held online through the Zoom Meetings Platform. The opening remarks were delivered by the Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc, Ph.D. "If you are interested in entering FEB UGM, (it) is a very appropriate place," he said.
There are three events that were the core of the FEB Open Campus 2020. First, participants were given a presentation of about the study program at FEB UGM. FEB UGM offers three undergraduate study programs that have been accredited A from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT), namely the Accounting, Management, and Economics Study Program. Two of them successfully earned the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) international accreditation.
The vision and mission of the study program and faculty was also conveyed. FEB UGM is determined to develop leadership skills as stated in the faculty's vision and mission. In line with this, the Department of Economics equips students with various theories to understand economic phenomena so that they can provide the right solution. The Department of Management has a concentration on developing leadership potential by relying on integrity and knowledge summarized in the 3E curriculum philosophy, namely education, experience, and exposure. Meanwhile, the Department of Accounting helps users or stakeholders to understand the economics perspective for decision making.
The next session was an explanation of the program, how to register, and how to get scholarships. In undergoing lectures, students will be given various programs as supporting facilities for the success of student learning goals. Among the programs were the Student Exchange Program and the Dual Degree. FEB UGM collaborates with many partner universities from various countries so that students can experience the exchange student and dual degree programs. To find out more about these facilities, students can consult through the Office of International Affairs (OIA) FEB UGM if they want to get the international exposure.
To register as a FEB UGM student, students can access directly through the website The website contains various information regarding the registration, such as knowing how to register, what entry points are offered to complete information about tuition fees. Regarding the tuition fees, various scholarship offers will be waiting for the duration of the lecture, ranging from achievement scholarships to underprivileged scholarships, so students don't have to worry about being constrained by costs.
At the end of the event, participants were presented with a virtual tour to get an overview of the learning environment, as well as the facilities and student activities available at FEB UGM. Even though it was being held online, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants in participating in the FEB Open Campus 2020 series of events, it was evident that various questions were submitted by students to get to know more closely with the FEB UGM Campus.
Translator: Laras OIA