Form Friendships Through FOKOMA 2021
- Details
- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 2004

On Saturday (08/01), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held a meeting known as FOKOMA (Parent Student Information and Communication Forum), which was attended by parents of the newest batch of FEB students, Batch 2021. This event took place from 10.00 – 11.30 WIB and was carried out in a blended manner, by holding the event on the eighth floor of the Learning Center (LC) building for those who were physically there and integrating the use of Zoom Meetings for those who were unable to physically attend. This event was attended by around 270 parents.
The event was started with opening remarks from the Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA, by congratulating the students' parents for being a part of FEB UGM. He also explained the readiness of the faculty regarding the blended learning plan which is to be implemented next semester. This event was followed by a speech given by the head of FOKOMA FEB UGM, Ir. Bambang Kartika, who explained the purpose of this meeting.
During the meeting, it was agreed that the contribution of FOKOMA's participation to support student activities amounted to minimum Rp.1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) for each student to pay once during their study period at FEB UGM. For underprivileged parents, it is expected that they can provide a certificate of financial incapability with legalization from the local RT/RW. The funds collected will be used for student activities, secretarial activities, and scholarships for FEB UGM students.
The next segment featured remarks from representatives of the parents of FEB UGM students and remarks from the chairman of BEM FEB UGM 2021, Leonardo Davinci. During this segment, representatives of FOKOMA scholarship recipients were also shown to give testimonials as a tangible form of FOKOMA's work program. The event ended with a Question and Answer session through Zoom Meetings, with questions asked by the parents to the faculty, and was closed with a group photo session.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini