FEB UGM Held FOKOMA Meeting for Parents of the Class of 2023
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- Written by Rizal
- Category: News
- Hits: 428

Saturday (10/09), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) organized a Forum for Information and Communication of Parents of Students (FOKOMA) meeting attended by the parents of students from the Class of 2023. The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format, with the in-person gathering conducted in the Auditorium on the 8th floor of the FEB UGM Learning Center building. Meanwhile, there was also an option for parents unable to attend in person to join via the Zoom platform.
The event began with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, "Indonesia Raya." Following that, Prof. Didi Achjari, Dr., M.Com., Ak., CA., gave a few words of welcome. He emphasized the role of FEB UGM as an inclusive educational institution committed to shaping the young generations who will carry the nation forward. It was mentioned that this year's new students come from 29 provinces nationwide. Moreover, Prof. Didi also said that the institution is determined to produce graduates capable of bringing goodness to all aspects, from the earth and environment to social factors. "We don't want our students just to graduate. Rather, more than that, we want FEB UGM students to become leaders of the nation," he expressed.
The event continued with the screening of an inspirational video titled "Dream Chasers". The video showcased the struggles of three new students from the Class of 2023 at FEB UGM who did not give up despite facing limitations. This demonstrated the faculty's commitment to support inclusive education for all segments of society. This commitment aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4, which focuses on providing quality and inclusive education for all.
The following agenda was an overview of FOKOMA presented by Ir. Bambang Kartika, the chairman of the parents' forum. He explained that FOKOMA aims to support student activities to enhance competitiveness in the job market. In essence, this forum collects contributions from parents of students, some of which are allocated to support student organization activities within the faculty. Consequently, these funds indirectly contribute to developing students' soft skills. Following this, a question and answer session was held with representatives from the parents of students.
Next, student representative Aulia Fikri Akbar (Management 2021), as the Student Executive Board (BEM) Vice Chairman at FEB UGM, delivered remarks related to FOKOMA funds. Notably, parents of students, represented by Sinung Wikantoro, also shared a few words of welcome. This session marked the end of the FOKOMA Meeting for the year 2023. Through the organization of this meeting, it is hoped that parents of students will contribute to the collective strength, ultimately resulting in positive outcomes for student development.
Reportage: Rizal Farizi