FEB UGM received a visit from Saxion University
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 987

Thursday (17/11) Saxion University visited the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) to hold a discussion on the double degree program, as well as teach a Basic Auditing Workshop and Guest Lecture on Intermediate Level about the Balanced Scorecard for International Undergraduate Program (IUP) students. This event was held on the 8th Floor of the FEB UGM Learning Center. Representatives attending from Saxion University included Dennis Vossen as Program Director International Finance & Accounting, Edwald Mentlink as Examination board of IFA, Jasja Bos as Senior Advisor Partnerships, and Tina Purwono as Saxion Representative.
The basic auditing workshop is held for one hour, is mandatory for IUP Accounting undergraduate students, and optional for IUP Management and IUP Economics undergraduate students. In this workshop, students were explained about the basic stages of auditing. Furthermore, students were also invited to work on and present business case studies. This workshop was participatory and interactive. After the basic auditing workshop was over, students were free to rest and prepare a guest lecture which will be held one hour later.
The series of events continued with an intermediate level Guest lecture about the balanced scorecard. This guest lecture is mandatory for Bachelor of Accounting and Management students, and optional for Economics undergraduate students. This guest lecture teaches about the framework, namely the balanced scorecard, starting from its definition and components, to its application. Students follow the guest lecture carefully and enthusiastically. The guest lecture ends with a question and answer session. The end of the guest lecture marked the end of the series of visits by Saxion University to FEB UGM.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama