Health Is Not As Complicated As Many People Imagine
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- Written by Hilda
- Category: News
- Hits: 558

On Tuesday (9/01), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), held a Self-Development Program for Education Personnel to open in 2024. The program was broadcast online via Zoom Meetings and live at YouTube channel: Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnsi UGM, moderated by Dr. Sahid Susilo Nugroho, M., Sc. The theme "Origins of Disease and How to Prevent and Overcome It Wisely" was presented by dr. Zaidul Akbar, a resource person and practitioner of sunnah medicine in Indonesia.
The discussion begins with an explanation of the origins of human creation from a religious perspective. The interviewee then made an analogy of the human digestive system as a place for farming, where "damaged soil will damage the plants it grows". "The current destruction of civilization in the context of food cannot be separated from the enormous amount of toxic food and other unhealthy foods," he said.
The discussion continued with explaining the definition of khutuwat or strategic plan. Khutuwat acts as a tool that helps humans plan to achieve their goals, namely protecting and maintaining body health from disease. The division is into four types, namely faith, honour, food and drink, and agriculture and plantations. Food and drinks that are unhealthy and incorrectly served can disrupt hormone function, which can result in damage to the digestive system. Agricultural and plantation products, such as pesticide fertilizers, can also be a source of problems if they are managed improperly, which triggers the emergence of cancer in the body.
dr. Zainul Akbar outlined several things that can be done to repair, detoxify and restore the body, one of which is land clearing. This term is translated simply as a concept known as self-eating. Intermittent fasting is another alternative that can be done and has an impact if fasting has reached the optimal point, namely when the stomach has been emptied for seventeen hours. The gastric emptying process can be done by only consuming water for one day (twenty-four hours fasting) or three days in a row (three days fasting).
The material ends with an explanation of how fasting and regularly consuming spices can stimulate autophagy and improve the body's system - unlike consuming sugar, flour, cooking oil and rice that must be reduced or stopped. Cupping therapy, maintaining emotions, and interacting with nature in various forms are other things that can be done to prevent and treat disease in the body.
The event closed with a question and answer session between speakers and participants who were enthusiastically attended. Self-development for professional staff this year also continues FEB UGM's efforts in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially goals number three (healthy and prosperous life) and number twelve (responsible consumption and production).
Reportage: Hilda Bhakti
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