FEB UGM Holds Capacity Building Training for High School Economics Teachers in DIY
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- Written by Kurnia
- Category: News
- Hits: 270

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), again holds Economics and Business Clinic as Capacity Building Training for High School Economics Teachers in DIY. This activity was attended by more than 50 high school-level economics teachers from Kulon Progo Regency, Sleman Regency, Bantul Regency, Gunungkidul Regency, and Yogyakarta Municipality.
The training was held by the Center for Microeconomic Reseach and Dashboard, Economic Laboratory, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, UGM, starting in 2022 as a form of community service to increase the capacity of high school-level economics teachers. This is in line with FEB UGM's commitment to continue to strive to develop various initiatives or programs that have a social impact on society.
Coordinator of the Center for Microeconomic Reseach and Dashboard, Qisha Quarina, Ph.D., said that the training to increase the capacity of economics teachers was held through collaboration between the FEB UGM Microeconomics Studies and Dashboard and the MGMP Economics High School Team in DIY. This training is hoped to encourage increased capacity and competency of teachers, especially in economics at the high school level.
"This training is a collaboration carried out between FEB and the High School Economics MGMP Team in DIY to increase teacher capacity. "Apart from that, it is also a place to exchange experiences and information regarding what is needed and prepared," he explained.
Representative of the DIY MGMP Economics Teacher, Suparji, welcomed the training activities organized by FEB UGM. This activity is an excellent opportunity for teachers to improve their competence in economics.
"We support this activity because teachers need increased competence in learning and a means to update knowledge. "We hope that activities like this can be carried out routinely and sustainably," he said.
Capacity Building Training Activities for High School Economics Teachers in DIY were carried out in two periods. The first period was held on April 25 2024, and the second will occur on May 2 2024.
In the training, which took place on Thursday (25/4), the training participants received material exposure from FEB UGM lecturers. In the first session, material related to international trade was presented by Gigih Fitrianto, Ph.D., (Lecturer in Economics). Then, in session two, there was a presentation about the digital economy by Fitri Amalia, Ph.D., (Accounting lecturer).
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum