Preparing Hope and Career Strategy
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- Written by Hilda
- Category: News
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Saturday (4/5), the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) organized an alumni sharing and hospitality session with the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Dr. Perry Warjiyo, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., with the theme "Starting a Career: Preparing Hope and Strategies". This session was in conjunction with the 4th National Conference (MUNAS) of the FEB UGM Alumni Family (KAFEGAMA) for the 2024/2027 service period. Prospective graduates of FEB UGM attended the event in May 2024, as did other undergraduate students.
The alumni sharing session was graced by the presence of successful alumni, including Steven Augustino Yudhiyanto, a 1992 Management alum and Senior Executive VP of Human Capital Strategy of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, and Dodit Wiweko Probojakti, a 1986 Accounting alum and Director of IT Consumer and Network of Central Java Bank. These esteemed alumni, who have made significant contributions in their respective fields, shared their valuable insights and experiences. Clara Alverina Laurensia, an Accounting 2021 student, moderated the event, which was held in classroom T-101.
The event was opened with remarks from the Dean of FEB, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Ak., CA and Vice Dean of FEB UGM, Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, S.E., M.A., Ph.D. Ak., CA and Vice Dean of FEB UGM, Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, S.E., M.A., Ph.D. “Lectures are not just about cognitive skills. Soft skills are equally critical. How to manage conflict, behave toward seniors, peers, and juniors, and interact with others properly. These skills are not just theoretical, they are practical and will be honed when you work,” said Didi.
The event was opened with remarks from the Dean of FEB, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Ak., CA and Vice Dean of FEB UGM, Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, S.E., M.A., Ph.D. “College is not just about cognitive-soft skills; they are essential. I learnt how to manage conflict, behave with seniors, peers, and juniors, and interact with others properly. Everything will be practised when you work,” Didi said.
Steven conveyed the material first while telling a story. He started his story by telling about the beginning of his career after graduating from Accounting FEB UGM and his travels at BRI. “If you want to develop in the corporate world, please look for a corporation where the management came from below,” he told the participants.
He also added that the basis of product management is analysis, both market analysis, competitors, data and trends. The ability to analyze products for various aspects is the key to success for a product manager. Ideas and creativity to create products will be in vain if they fail to be realized effectively due to weak analysis.
In the next session, Dodit presented the theme “Preparing for a STAR Interview Model” as a provision for students entering the workforce. He shared practical tips for interviewing, starting from looking at the job description carefully, considering the reasons for applying and your qualifications, researching the company, practising your tone of voice and body language, conducting mock interviews, copying your resume, and having the courage to “sell” yourself in front of the interviewers. The event was closed with a question and answer session, which was enthusiastically followed by the participants regarding questions about the world of work.
Reportage: Hilda Bhakti Fahrezi
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