The Story of Aliman, The Best Graduate of FEB UGM with a GPA of 3.86
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- Written by Kurnia
- Category: News
- Hits: 555

Aliman (21), Accounting 2020, became the best Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM Period III Academic Year 2023/2024 graduate. Born in Batam, he completed his studies in Accounting in 3 years, 6 months, and 2 days with cum laude honors. His cumulative grade point average (GPA) was almost perfect, 3.86. He is one of the 1,423 graduates of the UGM Undergraduate Program who graduated on Wednesday (5/22) at the Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM.
This achievement was one of the most outstanding achievements in Aliman's life. How could it not be? Aliman, a local from a small town on the island of Batam, is still amazed that he could study at UGM. "I never thought before, I even dreamed, that I could study at one of the leading universities in Indonesia like UGM," he explained on Wednesday (5/22) after graduation.
Aliman admitted that he still had to believe he could graduate from FEB UGM. He still feels as if he only stepped foot in Yogyakarta yesterday and saw the splendor of the Pertamina Tower Building, one of the proud icons of FEB UGM. At that time, Aliman had doubts and fears. Whether he can survive and complete his undergraduate studies well is a big challenge he has to overcome.
Growing up in a simple family
Aliman is the eldest son of Tang Hiong Ie (59) and A Cin (51). He was born and raised in a small town on the island of Batam, specifically in Buliang Village, Batu Aji District, Batam City. His father is the family's sole breadwinner and works daily as an employee in the logistics industry in Batam. His success in becoming a graduate is a matter of great pride for his extended family. "I am the first graduate in a large family. My father only studied up to grade 3 of primary school, while my mother graduated from junior high school," he said.
Aliman said he desired to go to college since childhood, but it faded and went away. Finally, when he was in vocational school, the desire to go to college reemerged and became stronger with the principal's encouragement. The principal regrets that Aliman, an excellent student, did not continue his studies at the university level. While studying at the Batam Boys Vocational School, he has always been at the top of his class. As a result, the school principal's strong encouragement and his parents' blessing have further strengthened him to pursue his dreams.
Although his parents had never received higher education, they fully supported Aliman's desire to attend college.
However, Aliman's parents suggested he continue his studies in Batam to attend employee courses and work while studying. When he expressed his desire to study at UGM, his parents were shocked by the financial constraints, apart from the distance.
However, when Aliman was declared the National Selection Based Test (SNBT) winner in 2020 to be admitted to the accounting program, his parents blessed him to study even though he was an island away.
"Yes, the parents were surprised; they did not expect their child to be accepted to UGM and their favorite program with a fairly high level of competition," he said.
Active organization and achievement
Not wanting to waste the opportunity he had gained and his parents' trust, Aliman worked hard to study so that he could attend classes well and graduate with impressive results. Apart from studying, Aliman is also active in various activities on campus, including being a member of the UGM Buddhist Student Family Spiritual Organization (Kamaddis), the FEB UGM Student Affairs Audit Board, and various campus activity committees. He also has time to work part-time at a tax consulting firm from 2022 until now. Aliman is also one of the Bank Indonesia scholarship recipients in 2023.
Aliman also managed to record several achievements in college. In 2022, he won 1st place in Writing Movement Competition #3 at the UNY Essay Competition, 1st place in the LSCF UII Essay Competition, 1st place in the Muhammadiyah University of Pekajangan Pekalongan Essay Competition, 2nd place in the UGM Eka Citta Writing Competition (2022), and 2nd place in Essay Competition UPI. Next, in 2023, Aliman won 1st place in the Bank Indonesia Essay Competition, 2nd place in the UNS National Democratic Essay Competition, 2nd place in the UGM Scholar Days Essay Competition, and Top 9 in the UI Taxplore Fiscal Policy Competition.
He borrowed a laptop for his thesis.
Completing a university degree and earning the title of best graduate is undoubtedly a challenge. But who would have thought that Aliman had to go through a unique story to achieve his success? He had to work on his thesis by borrowing a laptop from a college friend. "I have a laptop, but it does not support data processing, which requires the use of special software, so inevitably, I have to borrow a friend's laptop," he said.
Aliman said he had applied to borrow a laptop from FEB UGM. But by then, the supply of laptops for students to borrow had run out. Whether he liked it or not, he borrowed a friend's laptop to process data. As a result, thanks to the borrowed laptop, he completed his thesis entitled The Influence of Tax Literacy and the Increase in Indonesian VAT Rates on Students' Purchasing Decisions on Trading Platforms Through Electronic Systems (PMSE). "Finally, this graduation moment is proof that even though it is not the end, it is the beginning of another new adventure for me to live with enthusiasm and joy," he explained.
Aliman admits that his success so far cannot be separated from his hard work in studying, his spirit of never giving up, his management of his time, and his parents' prayers. One value his parents instilled in him, and he continues to uphold today, is to be serious about doing whatever it takes to achieve maximum results.
"The message from my parents that I always follow is to be serious about doing everything to get maximum results. If we have tried our best but the results are not as expected, do not despair because there are lessons to be learned. If you have succeeded, do not be complacent and remain humble," he explained.
His mother, A Cin, admitted that she was happy that her eldest son was able to graduate from UGM. She did not expect that Aliman would be able to go to university and graduate with good grades. She hopes that Aliman will be successful in the future and realize what he has always dreamed of.
Aliman's achievements must be supported by FEB UGM, which helps its students develop their potential. While studying at FEB UGM, he gained extraordinary experience; being guided by professional lecturers and supportive college friends further motivated him to study diligently and succeed.
"The experience of studying at FEB UGM not only increased my knowledge of accounting and economic aspects but also changed my attitude towards various things, which encouraged me to always be the best version of myself. FEB UGM also provides opportunities for ordinary people like me to realize dreams that I have been dreaming about for a long time. Thank you, FEB UGM!" he concluded.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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