Five Megatrends Accountants Must Understand
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The accounting and auditing profession is evolving in response to rapid global changes. PwC Indonesia Partner Jumadi Anggana highlighted five megatrends reshaping the world, including the accounting profession, during a public lecture titled "Exploring the Auditor Profession and Audit Practices of Financial Statements" on November 4, 2024.
In the public lecture organized by the Master in Accounting Study Program (Maksi) Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Jumadi outlined the five megatrends: climate change, technological disruption, demographic shifts, a divided world, and social instability.
"We need to understand what is happening in the world to grasp the implications for our country and the accounting profession itself," he said at the Maksi FEB UGM on Monday (4/11).
During the event, Jumadi also gave an overview of the history of financial accounting standards (SAK). He explained several pillars of accounting, including international SAK, SAK for private entities, and SAK for entities without public accountability.
Jumadi also addressed the issue of corporate sustainability. He mentioned that some companies have yet to secure their sustainability data, which can lead to greenwashing practices. Given the importance of accurate sustainability data, he emphasized the need for auditors to ensure data security and prevent data breaches.
Reportasge: Orie Priscylla Mapeda Lumalan
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals