KAFEGAMA 89 provides Scholarships to Support Students' Education
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- Written by Shofi
- Category: News
- Hits: 127

The Alumni Family of the Faculty of Economics and Business Gadjah Mada University (KAFEGAMA), has once again demonstrated its contribution to supporting educational and learning activities at its alma mater. This time, the KAFEGAMA 1989 awarded academic scholarships to six FEB UGM students.
The scholarship was presented during the KAFEGAMA 89 reunion, which took place on Saturday, November 2, 2024, at the Alumni Hall of FEB UGM. The scholarship was given by the chairman of the reunion committee, Ahmad Syakir, to Muhammad Lukman Hakim (Accounting, 2019), Muhammad Dzakwan Zaafarani (Accounting, 2019), Asysyfa Maisarah (Accounting, 2024), Azifatul Azifah (Economics, 2020), Fathi Syauqi Azzam (Economics, 2020), and Andrianto (Economics, 2024). Tuition fees range from IDR 600,000 to IDR 800,000 monthly per student they graduate.
Ahmad Syakir thanked all alumni who contributed to the scholarship program. KAFEGAMA 89 has been committed to providing scholarships since 2012, and to date, 55 students have benefited from scholarships with a total assistance of IDR 855,091,591.
"We believe that education is an accelerator for improving the economy. Hopefully, this program will continue and benefit more students," he said.
Meanwhile, the Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA., expressed FEB UGM's commitment to maintaining diversity when awarding scholarships. Student admissions provide equal opportunities for all Indonesians to study and grow at FEB UGM.
"We are committed to supporting students across the archipelago from different backgrounds, regions, and socio-economic conditions to study at FEB UGM. We want to ensure that all students have equal opportunities to learn and grow," he said.
One of the scholarship recipients, Fathi Syauqi Azzam (Economics, 2020), shared how the KAFEGAMA 89 scholarship was not just beneficial, but transformative. The scholarship allowed him to focus more on his studies and personal development, inspiring him to dream of giving back to FEB UGM as a future scholarship donor.
"My dream is to give back to FEB UGM; one way is to become a scholarship donor for future students," he explained.
Azifatul Azifah, an Economics student in the Class of 2022, expressed a similar sentiment. The scholarship will help her with her academic and daily needs.
Reportage: Shofi Hawa Anjani
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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