KAFEGAMA 89 Celebrates 35th-Year Reunion
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- Written by Shofi
- Category: News
- Hits: 148

A warm and nostalgic atmosphere surrounded the grand reunion of the alumni family of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) Class of 1989 (KAFEGAMA 89) on Saturday, November 2, 2024.
KAFEGAMA 89 held a reunion event to celebrate 35 years of togetherness under the theme "KAFEGAMA 89: Thirty-Five Years and Reuniting", which brought together alumni from various programs such as Management, Accounting, and Economics to share memories, rekindle friendships, and experience the changes that have taken place since they left the campus.
The reunion began with a campus tour, inviting alumni to reminisce about campus life and see the latest developments. The alumni enthusiastically participated in the tour, reminiscing about their college days while observing the modern facilities of FEB UGM.
Ahmad Syakir, the reunion committee chairman, thanked FEB UGM for welcoming the alumni back to campus through the reunion event. He noted that the reunion allowed the alumni to reconnect and see the campus's improvement.
"Alhamdulillah, we started this official reunion tradition ten years ago and held it every five years. It started with the 25th anniversary, 30th anniversary, and now the 35th anniversary. InshaAllah, we will gather again for the 40th anniversary and beyond," he added hopefully.
FEB UGM Dean Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA., also an alumnus, welcomed the reunion organized by KAFEGAMA 1989. He observed the intense enthusiasm of the alumni who took the time and effort to attend.
"Welcome back to FEB UGM. It is truly a joy to meet again after 35 years, especially since we can gather and reminisce. Hopefully, this reunion will be a moment of nostalgia and an opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the faculty, such as mentoring programs tailored to the expertise of each alumnus," he added.
A representative of KAFEGAMA 89, Prof. Dr. Lincolin Arsyad, M.Sc., a professor at FEB UGM, shared his thoughts on the reunion. He hoped that the class of 1989 would always remain united. He also hoped that FEB UGM would continue to progress and develop.
The reunion was attended by several guest lecturers and 90 alumni from various programs at FEB UGM, including Anies Rasyid Baswedan. When asked about his experiences at FEB UGM, Anies shared many memorable moments. "The most memorable was my speech for the UGM senate election campaign. There were so many people watching, even from the upper floors. They were cheering and clapping; it was lively," he chuckled.
Anies also mentioned that his class was the first to study in the new FEB UGM building, while previous courses were studied in the UGM Central building. In addition to reminiscing about his college years, Anies also shared his hopes for the current FEB UGM students.
"I hope students will have world-class competencies and a deep concern for their surrounding communities. I hope that FEB UGM graduates can succeed in the global scene while working closely with society," he said.
As a token of appreciation and family ties, KAFEGAMA 89 presented Didi and Lincolin with a souvenir. The event concluded with group photos taken at various locations such as the Alumni Room, Room T 101, and the Dino Egg area, capturing those special moments where the alumni smiled warmly, full of camaraderie.
This 35th reunion was a gathering and a testament to KAFEGAMA 89's commitment to maintaining strong ties with their beloved alma mater. May this reunion become a sweet memory and inspire future generations of FEB UGM alumni.
Reportage: Shofi Hawa Anjani
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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