FEB UGM Promotes Community Empowerment Through Village Development Programs
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- Written by Shofi
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The Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) continues demonstrating its commitment to supporting community empowerment through innovative and sustainable service programs. A tangible manifestation of this commitment is the implementation of village development programs.
Several of FEB UGM's community empowerment initiatives were successfully showcased during the 2024 Community Service Seminar held at UGM's Creativity and Innovation Hall (GIK) on January 10, 2024. The event aimed to empower communities through innovation-based and creative economy approaches while disseminating various community service programs implemented by UGM.
Two lecturers from FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, M.A., and Dr. Qisha Quarina, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., presented the village development programs during the 2024 Community Service Program Seminar.
Development of a Tourism Village
Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto highlighted the efforts to empower the community to develop Jatirejo Tourism Village in cooperation with the Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) Binangun Jati Unggul. This program included activities such as socialization, focus group discussions (FGDs), human resource training in organizational management, digital marketing, and tourism potential mapping, as well as intensive assistance in redesigning the village's website and creating a roadmap for Jatirejo's tourism development.
"One of the key outcomes of this program is the roadmap for the development of the Jatirejo Tourism Village, which includes product diversification in BUMDes sectors such as tourism, restaurants, and agriculture. In addition, the village's website has been significantly improved, and the community's understanding of digital marketing has increased," he explained.
Catur said the program will be scaled up by integrating BUMDes businesses into rice milling and restaurant operations. Future mentoring of Jatirejo Village will continue with faculty funding to ensure the program's sustainability.
Community-Based Waste Management
Meanwhile, Qisha presented the BISSA (Sharing Knowledge for a Beautiful Sinduadi Sleman) program, which focuses on addressing waste management issues and the potential for environmental management in the Kali Code area of Sinduadi Village, Mlati District. This program involved working with PKK neighborhood groups, local youth, and community leaders to raise awareness about environmental cleanliness.
"We conducted activities such as waste management socialization and education, FGDs with local champions, training of key community cadres, monitoring of community clean-up events, and visits to the exemplary village of Panggungharjo in Bantul," Qisha said.
Program outputs include waste management modules and posters, as well as an improved inventory of facilities. This has been accompanied by increased community participation in proper waste management and increased awareness of environmental cleanliness. Qisha hopes that BISSA can become an inspiring and sustainable model for waste management.
These two programs reflect FEB UGM's commitment to sustainable community empowerment through integrating education, research, and community service. The initiatives aim to have a tangible impact on community development (societal impact).
Reporter: Shofi Hawa Anjani
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals