Drs. Irfan Nursasmito, Akt., M.Si Passed Away
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- Written by Sony
- Category: Obituary
- Hits: 2553

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has again lost one of its best teachers. The whole family of FEB UGM grieve the passing of Drs. Irfan Nursasmito, Akt., M.Si, Retired Lecturer of the Accounting Department on Monday (09/08/21). Drs. Irfan passed away around 16.00 WIB in his home at the age of 68 years. Located at the funeral home, Glagah Tamanan Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, the late of Drs. Irfan is buried. Families, relatives, colleagues, and students pay their last respects to one of the best members of the FEB UGM community.
Drs. Irfan was born in Bantul, November 13, 1952. He took his undergraduate education and master's education at FEB UGM. Drs. Irfan is actively teaching at FEB UGM from 1979 until his retirement in 2021. For 42 years for his loyalty in serving the world of education, Drs. Irfan received the title of 25 Years of Loyalty from UGM in 2005, Satya Lencana Karya Satya X from the President of Republic Indonesia in 2001, and Satya Lencana Karya Satya X from the President of Republic Indonesia in 2012.
Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, PhD. condolences for the death of Drs. Irfan. "FEB UGM is missing a role model teacher who plays an important role in the development of Accounting Science," he said.
Drs. Irfan is a lecturer who always gives peace, comfort, and wholeheartedly in imparting knowledge to students, and always motivates his juniors. His contribution to FEB UGM is incalculable. Likewise, the recognition of several FEB UGM lecturers.
Choirunnisa Arifa, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., Ak., CA., Head of the Accounting Study Program FEB UGM, recalled the services of Drs. Irfan throughout his life. "He always gives shade, comfort, peace to anyone who confides in him. I often vent, especially when I experience extreme anxiety,” said Nisa. In that case, according to Nisa, Drs. Irfan always said that there is no need to be afraid of something that has not happened, for that Drs Irfan always advises that it is necessary to leave all matters to God, if it is like that the heart and mind will be calm and everything will be fine.
Wuri Handayani, S.E., Ak., M.Si., M.A., Ph.D., Secretary of the Accounting Department FEB UGM, has a distinct impression of Mr. Irfan Nursasmito.
"Mr. Irfan is a person who always spends his time patiently listening to complaints without judging, without ever blaming, even motivating with his fatherly nature and religious approach," said Wuri.
According to Wuri, Drs. Irfan is a person who has extraordinary dedication. Drs Irfan is disciplined with time, put first thing first, puts priority by prioritizing the task of teaching and guiding services on campus.
The figure of Drs. Irfan will always be remembered as someone who is simple, full of patience, and always reminds us as humans who should always remember especially to God and others.
The entire big family of FEB UGM expresses deepest condolences, we hope that the knowledge and spirit of Drs. Irfan can be an example for all. Goodbye Drs. Irfan, we will always remember all of your services.
Reportage: Sony Budiarso/Kirana Lalita Pristy