Goodbye, Dr. Tarsisius Hani Handoko, M.B.A.
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- Written by Adella
- Category: Obituary
- Hits: 951

The entire FEB UGM extended family is grieving the loss of one of its best lecturers, Dr. Tarsisius Hani Handoko, M.B.A. He breathed his last at Panti Rapih Hospital on Monday (20/03/2023) at 21.20 WIB at the age of 65. The deceased was buried on Wednesday (22/03/2023) at 11.30 WIB at the UGM Sawitsari Family Cemetery, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Dr. Tarsisius Hani Handoko, M.B.A. born in Yogyakarta on May 27, 1957. He studied undergrad at UGM. Then, he continued his master's degree at the University at Albany SUNY, United States of America. He studied for his doctorate at the University of Kentucky, United States of America and graduated in 1991. He is a lecturer from the Department of Management who has devoted himself to FEB UGM for 40 years (1982-2022).
In the course of his career, Dr. Tarsisius Hani Handoko, M.B.A. held several important positions at FEB UGM, including as Chair of the Management Department (1996-1999), Head of the Master of Science & Doctor of Management Study Program (2001-2006), to Head of the MM FEB UGM Study Program (2016-2020). He has also made a series of achievements during his lifetime through several awards, including 25 Years of Loyalty from UGM (2007), 35 Years of Loyalty from UGM (2020), Satyadinding Karya Satya from the President for 20 Years of Service (2012), and Satyadinding Karya Satya from President for 30 Years of Service (2019).
Dr. Tarsisius Hani Handoko, M.B.A., has a very excellent service for FEB UGM. The entire FEB UGM academic community felt deep sorrow over his passing. May the deceased be forgiven for all his sins, accepted his deeds of worship, and placed in the best place by His side. Goodbye, Dr. Tarsisius Hani Handoko, M.B.A. We will never forget all your memories and services.
Reportage: Adella Wahyu Pradita
Photo Contributors: Laretna T. Adishakti