UGM Student Won 1st Prize Winner in Hacksprint CHIuXiD 2019
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- Written by Gita
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 1482

Team Javaccino consisting of two undergraduate students of Universitas Gadjah Mada named Kairania Qalbi (Psychology-IUP 2017) and Gita Prasulistiyono (Management-IUP 2014) became the 1st winner Hacksprint Competition in CHIuXiD 2019. CHIuXiD 2019 – pronounced 'kai-u-x-i-d' – is the 5th International ACM In-Cooperation Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience (UX) Conference. The conference facilitates leaders, experts, academics, and professionals from Indonesia, Southeast Asia and beyond to gather, share, and collaborate on the latest HCI and UX insights in diverse vertical industries.
CHIuXiD 2019 was held in Universitas Petra and Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya from 3-6 April 2019. During the program, hacksprint participant had to submit their HCI/UX design proposal to be reviewed by International board of reviewers. Javaccino team proposed UX research titled “The Design of Reforestation Funding Program Using Mobile Advertising Application”. Their team was coached by international coaches and experts in HCI/UX field, such as Aaron Quigley (University of St. Andrews, Scotland), Eleftherios Avramidis (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany), Adi “Josh” Tedjasaputra (Director of UX Indonesia), and 10 other coaches from various background.
After 2 days of coaching session, Javaccino team then pitched their idea and finding to board of jury. The board of jury itself consisted of practitioners of UX that come from various countries such as Pricilla Nu (Head of Experience Design, Singapore Power), Eunice Sari (Google Developer Expert in Product Design) and others. They were impressed with the finding and research methods that being employed by Javaccino team and crowned them as 1st winner of Hacksprint competition in CHIuXiD.
This victory also showed that business students from Universitas Gadjah Mada can perform well in UX field that usually being dominated by STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students. Javacinno team hopes that the result can inspire other business students to learn and update their knowledge in technology development field which is important to face Industrial revolution 4.0.
Source: Gita Prasulistiyono