Accounting Students Won Second Place in 5th CPA Australia Accounting Competition
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 28889

Khoirunnisa Vaurin Nabella (Accounting 2014), Puspita Ghaniy Anggraini (Accounting 2014), and Gede Ardi Siddhayanatra (Accounting 2014) won the second place in 5th CPA Australia Accounting Competition.
This competition was held on 18 May 2017 in CPA Australia representative office, SMESCO Jakarta. They had to compete in three rounds during the competition. At the first round, preliminary round, 46 teams from various universities across Indonesia were challenged to answer theory and technical questions within a limited of time. All communication and presentation activities during competition must be in English. The top 25 teams were selected from preliminary round and then competed again in semifinal round. Questions in preliminary and semifinal round covered the subjects of Finance Accounting, Accounting Information System, Cost Accounting, Finance Management, Auditing. Others subject used in this semifinal round also include Tax Accounting, Government/ Public Sector Accounting, and Managerial Accounting.
In the final round, only the top 5 teams were choosen. To select the winner, they are required to present cases study given by the judges under the theme of ‘Financial Instrument’. Khoirunnisa, Puspita, and Ardi as a team representing UGM won the second place.
Source: Ika/FEB