FEB UGM Student Team Wins 1st and 2nd Place in the 2023 National Accounting Challenge
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 667

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM), is again proud because 6 of its students achieved national achievements in the field of accounting. This achievement was achieved in the Accounting Excellence Olympiad (AEO), National Accounting Challenge (NAC) 2023 STAN State Finance Polytechnic. AEO is a national quiz in the field of accounting which is attended by students from universities in Indonesia. AEO NAC 2023 is organized by BEM KM PKN STAN on 12-22 October 2023. This achievement is in line with SDGs number 4, Quality Education and 8 Decent Economic Growth.
At AEO NAC PKN STAN 2023, the Maduwinner Team won 1st place, and the Materialiteam Team won 2nd place, both of whom are active students majoring in Accounting. The Maduwinner team consists of Johar Ma'mun (2020 Accounting), Dodic Pratama (2020 Accounting), Nanang Maulana Firmansyah (2020 Accounting). The Materialitem team consists of Philip Jakobus Sidabukke (Accounting 2021), Achmad Zidan Muzaki (Accounting 2021), Aditya Kurniawan (Accounting 2021). Winning two championships at the same time is certainly a proud achievement.
Dodic from the Maduwinner Team expressed his impression that this competition was exciting because it provided a lot of experience in terms of extraordinary opponents and challenging questions. Dodic then advised, "For friends who are still in semester five and under, don't waste your opportunity. Taking part in competitions is one way to improve your skills quickly because you will meet lots of cool people out there who are unreasonably smart," concluded Dodic.
Zidan from the Materialiteam Team agrees and believes that "The Accounting Olympiad is a very exciting and challenging competition. There, because it consists of many rounds, we not only answer questions but also write essays, present our ideas, and develop strategies." He and his team also learned insights while competing, but they feel they still have a lot to learn. Zidan advised his FEB UGM friends to "Stay enthusiastic and don't be afraid to try various competitions, especially the accounting olympiad." Congratulations to the Maduwinner Team and Materialiteam for their proud achievements, hopefully, they will continue to inspire.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama