FEB UGM Student Team Wins Champion in Telkom Accounting Fair 2023
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- Written by Hilda
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 316

Friday (8/12), three (3) students from the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) succeeded in achieving brilliant achievements at the Telkom Accounting Fair 2023, which the HIMAKU Academic Division of Telkom University organized. This year, TAF is here with the theme "Actualization of Green Accounting and Its Impact on Economic Growth through Society Behavior Changes to Achieve SDGs 2030 in Indonesia." The competition lasts for three months and consists of collecting abstracts of written works, returning complete written works, and presenting research results in front of the judges.
TAF is attended by undergraduate (S1) and Diploma (D3/D4) Accounting students from all Economic Faculties in Indonesia. Competitions organized by TAF include the Telkom Accounting Competition (TAC) and Paper Researching Competition (PRC). PRC is a writing competition designed to hone its participants' critical, innovative and productive thinking skills.
FEB UGM achieved by successfully qualifying two teams in the PRC final round, namely:
- Side Job Team: Ferdiawan Hadi Susanto (Accounting 2021), Hans Mangatur Pakpahan (Accounting 2021), and Giacinta Betralda Anin Pradita (Accounting 2021).
- Roro Jonggrang Team: Alrienta Nur Aunillah (Accounting 2021), Aulia Nurussyifa (Accounting 2021), and Nagma Nasywa Assegaf (Accounting 2021).
Side Job Team succeeded in winning the competition, presenting a paper that examines an important issue in sustainable development, namely the potential for carbon tax revenue based on Indonesia's high level of industry. The research was carried out to analyze the potential for carbon tax revenue from two sectors, namely the energy sector with a PLTU tax through a cap and tax scheme and the transportation sector through PKB and PBBKB. The results of this potential will be allocated through earmarking policies for the welfare of the Indonesian people. The team offers a policy master plan roadmap for implementing carbon tax from both sectors to support the acquisition of potential tax revenues.
The research results show that implementing a carbon tax has excellent potential to encourage the creation of a green economy in Indonesia, which is in line with SDGs 9 and 13, namely, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, as well as handling climate change. Several related indicators show that a carbon tax can be an effective instrument to achieve this goal. This, of course, requires policymakers to play an active role in encouraging carbon tax implementation.
"Certainly, the paper competition requires very in-depth and detailed research. Therefore, it is not uncommon for us to have difficulty finding relevant data related to this research. The limited number of industries that report data on carbon emissions is our main challenge in calculating potential carbon taxes. However, overall, we gained much knowledge after completing this paper. "We know that the potential for carbon tax revenue in Indonesia is huge, and a systematic and measurable policy is needed to implement it in the long term," they said on separate occasions.
Congratulations to the Side Job team who won First Place, and the Roro Jonggrang team won 3rd Runner Up.
The team's hard work in facing various challenges should be appreciated. It should be an example for the younger generation to continue contributing to the nation and state, both nationally and internationally. FEB UGM is proud and joyfully congratulating on the victory at the Telkom Accounting Fair 2023!
Reportage: Hilda Bhakti Fahrezi