Team Cuible Wins 1st Place in the YES! 2024 Business Pre-Incubation with Low-Sugar Biscuit Innovation
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- Written by Najwah
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 213

Team Cuible successfully won 1st place in the 2024 YES! X CSDU Business Pre-Incubation Program. The team consists of five students from the 2022 Management Study Program, namely Nabila Hernida Yasmine, Salsabil Jannah, Shafa Camila Putri, Theresia Sitanggang, and Tustiati. They won the program after undergoing a semester-long series of pre-incubation business activities and presenting their product in a live pitching session at the YES! X CSDU on Saturday (09/11) at the Gelanggang Inovasi dan Kreativitas (GIK UGM).
Team Cuible pitched their innovative product, Cuible, a low-sugar vegetable cookie that aims to address the rising rates of diabetes among children in Indonesia. One of the team members, Salsabil Jannah (Management 2022), revealed that the business idea stemmed from their concern over the increasing number of children diagnosed with diabetes in Indonesia. They then searched for a business idea that could help address this issue without requiring significant financial investment. They eventually developed the concept of Cuible - low-sugar cookies with added vegetables such as broccoli and red spinach, which are known for their health benefits and low sugar content.
However, due to limited funding initially, Salsabil explained that their production process is still simple. "We just produce the cookies with our team of five, using basic production equipment at one of our team members' homes in Magelang," she said.
Their journey has not always been smooth. Salsabil explained that they went through many trials and errors in developing the recipe, from adjusting the sugar levels to replacing wheat flour with healthier whole wheat flour. "There was a lot of trial and error before we finally got the recipe right, tasty and low in sugar," Salsabil explained.
After winning first place and receiving a grant of IDR 10,000,000, Salsabil hopes to grow her business. With the funding from this business incubation program, we hope to expand by increasing production capacity, hiring more employees, and contributing to the empowerment of the local community.
Through the YES! X CSDU Business Pre-Incubation Program, it is hoped that more young entrepreneurs will emerge and contribute to improving the economic well-being of society. This is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals No. 1 (No Poverty), No. 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and No. 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure).
Reportage: Najwah Ariella Puteri
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals