The Signing of Cooperation FEB UGM with Kapal Api Group
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- Written by Adella
- Category: Cooperation
- Hits: 1539

Friday (24/10), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), officially signed an MoU on a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with Kapal Api Group Indonesia. On this occasion, FEB UGM collaborated with Kapal Api Group Indonesia to hold an open lecture on "Building an Innovative and Global Company: Case Study of Kapal Api Group Indonesia". Both activities were offline in the Learning Center Auditorium, Floor 8, FEB UGM. The accompaniment of the song Indonesia Raya started the event.
Prof. Didi Achjari, Ak., CA, as Dean of FEB UGM, gave a warm welcome. "We certainly hope that good relations will continue to be maintained (between FEB UGM) with Kapal Api Group, both in activities like this and other collaborations, such as involving students in the internship program at PT Kapal Api," he said. In the next session, Robin Setyono, CEO of Kapal Api Group, also gave a speech. He was grateful for the opportunity FEB UGM gave in this PKS MoU. Responding to Prof. Didi, he expressed his agreement that cooperation in involving students in internship programs would benefit both parties.
The next session was signing a cooperation document between FEB UGM and Kapal Api Group, represented by Prof. Didi and Robin Setyono. The document includes a memorandum of understanding regarding education, research, community service and fostering innovation and a cooperation agreement regarding implementing independent apprenticeship programs and MBKM. This aligns with Sustainable Development Goal no. 17, namely Partnership for the Goals. On the same occasion, Kapal Api Group, represented by Robin Setyono, handed a souvenir to Prof. Didi as Dean of FEB UGM.
The event continued with an open lecture delivered by Robin Setyono. This activity aligns with Sustainable Development Goal no. 4, namely Quality Education. Currently, Kapal Api Group has seven business lines with 15,000 employees. According to the Nielsen Retail Audit June 2023, Kapal Api Group is ranked first as the coffee market leader in Indonesia. "We continue to innovate to improve customer service," said Robin. This innovation is realized in various aspects, including encouraging Fastmart as a digital platform to facilitate the ordering process via the application.
According to Robin, Generation Z has many career choices compared to previous generations. They can become entrepreneurs, join start-ups, or work in corporations according to their passion. He advised students to keep fighting, especially in achieving their dream careers. On this occasion, Robin openly invited students to participate in the Graduate Development Program (GDP) Inspire program from Kapal Api Group, which will open in January 2024. Finally, he closed the presentation with a quote to motivate the students.
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar.
Reportage: Adella Wahyu Pradita