Rika Fatimah Earns Award from The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration
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Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) and Founder, Conceptualizer, and Expert of Global Mutual Cooperation (G2R) Tetrapreneur, Rika Fatimah P. L., S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. received the award as G2R Tetrapreneur Initiator in the field of Transmigration (G2RT - KT). The award was presented directly by the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Dr. (HC) Drs. A. Halim Iskandar, M.Pd. on Monday, May 5, 2024, on the sidelines of the 2024 Transmigration Coordination Meeting in Makassar.
Rika Fatimah P. L. received an award as the G2RT - KT initiator for initiating the G2R Tetrapreneur Program, which was implemented in the national priority area of the Greater East Muna Transmigration Area (Mutiara), Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The G2RT - KT program is implemented through competitive funding from the Kedaireka 2023 Matching Fund in partnership with the Directorate General of Development and Transmigration Areas (Ditjen PPKTrans) Kemendes PDTT, together with the Muna Regency Government.
This lecturer of the Management Study Program said that this award could not be separated from the work of G2R Tetrapreneur since 2019, in cooperation with the Faculty of Geography and other faculties at UGM, with transposition innovations in creating iconic innovations in transmigration areas. The development of G2R Tetrapreneur also includes being a pioneer of G2RT DIY, G2RT in the Aetropolis Trading Area (G2RT - KDA) Tangerang City, G2RT Muhammadiyah (G2RT - MU), G2RT Kebumen, G2RT Aceh Jaya, G2RT Mandiri East Java, G2RT Kebumen, and G2RT UMKM together product of the movement. The award received is a form of G2R Tetrapreneur's commitment to embodying Indonesian National Standards (SNI), including MSME entrepreneurship working together in transmigration and village areas. Apart from that, the opening of the policy market on global access for G2RT Indonesia products in several countries in cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy and local ITCP, namely Cairo, Jeddah, Abu Dhabi & Dubai.
Rika explained that G2R Tetrapreneur is an organic model of entrepreneurial innovation based on Pancasila. This model is implemented sustainably to create village independence and authority for sustainable global iconic products. This innovation is based on four entrepreneurship pillars, namely entrepreneurship chain (tetra 1), entrepreneurship market (tetra 2), entrepreneurship quality (tetra 3), and entrepreneurship brand (tetra 4).
"The first initiation in Indonesia started in 2018, which was conducted in Wukirsari and Girirejo villages in Bantul Regency as a pilot village of G2R tetrapreneurs under the DIY Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control Service," she explained in a written statement received on Tuesday (20/5).
Next, in 2019, TETRA stage 2 was implemented in the villages of Wukirsari and Girirejo under the auspices of the DIY Regional Secretariat's Community Empowerment Development. In the same year, the DIY Cooperatives and SMEs Service also implemented the G2R Tetrapreneur program by prioritizing culture as the root of village entrepreneurial activities, which became known as the Global Mutual Cooperation (G2R) Cultural Tetrapreneur. The activities were carried out in 5 villages, namely Bejiharjo Village and Putat Village (Gunungkidul Regency), Sabdodadi Village (Bantul Regency), Pagerharjo Village (Kulon Progo Regency), and Bangunkerto Village (Sleman Regency), using special DIY funds (Danais). "If Danais is generally used for cultural activities and heritage preservation, then G2R Tetrapreneur is a cultural innovation in the economic aspect, namely the Pancasila Economy, which is realized not only in economic activities but also in strengthening village institutions," she said.
Rika said that the G2R Tetrapreneur unit in the village is a joint business unit with the Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDesa) or an independent institution as a joint business unit with Pokdarwis/Cooperatives/others. The products of the G2R Tetrapreneur unit are referred to as superior products (PU), whose primary requirement is that 80 percent of the raw materials are found in the village. Some examples of exceptional products from the G2R Tetrapreneur Unit include processed bananas from Girirejo, processed gadung from Wukirsari, processed beef from Bejiharjo, processed spices from Pagerharjo, processed chilies and moringa from Karangwuni, processed corn from Salamrejo, processed bamboo from Sendangmulyo, and others. Apart from producing superior products in the form of goods, there are superior cultural products in the form of natural wealth, art, and local wisdom. Some exceptional cultural products produced include the Lengger Tapeng Dance from Pagerharjo, Joglo Batur in Putat, Cafe Bale Langit in Salamrejo, and others. The G2R Tetrapreneur Unit has grown in 28 villages and three urban areas with approximately 26 supporting and retail partners.
Initiation into SNI
Previously, G2R Tetrapreneur, together with the Directorate General of Development and Transmigration Areas (Ditjen PPKTrans) Kemendesa PDTT, held a hearing at the Directorate of Infrastructure Standards Development, Conformity Assessment, Personal and Creative Economy (PSIPPE) of the National Standardization Agency (BSN). This hearing was the first step in formulating G2R Tetrapreneur as an Indonesian National Standard (SNI), a standard for original Indonesian products based on cooperation. This was done as part of efforts to optimize the formation of separate standards for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
On this occasion, Rika said that the G2RT movement started in 2018 as the first innovation program for community economic empowerment through the facilitation of DIY Special Funds (Danais). The hope is that with consistency and vision, G2R Tetrapreneur can be managed by the center and become one of the standard products of the original Indonesian entrepreneurial movement with business processes based on Pancasila economics. Absolute quality standards are essential for domestic and foreign markets. In the future, G2R Tetrapreneur, which is part of the national quality standard, is expected to be able to promote village economies and MSMEs based on local wisdom.
Source: Humas G2R Tetrapreneur
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