Silver Reunion, KAFEGAMA 99 Provide Scholarships for Students
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- Written by Kurnia
- Category: News
- Hits: 240

Celebrating their 25th anniversary, the Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Economics and Business Alumni Association (KAFEGAMA) class of 1999 provided various forms of assistance to students.
The chairperson of the class of the '99 reunion committee, Siti Nuryani Kasanah, explained that through this reunion, the class of 1999 offered several aids such as scholarships for thesis completion, five laptops for underprivileged students, and living expenses scholarships for FEB UGM students. This aid aims to increase the contribution of the '99 class to supporting the learning activities and studies of FEB UGM students.
During the reunion, which took place on Saturday night (27/7) at the FEB UGM Campus, symbolic aid was given to recipients of the laptops: Johan Vlyvius Rajaguguk (Economics), Meila Andini (Management), and Love’s Nurani Hasan (Accounting). They are new students at FEB UGM who receive the 100% subsidized Superior Education Single Tuition Scholarship (UKT 0). They appeared happy upon receiving the laptops and thanked the FEB UGM class of '99 alumni for providing the facilities to support their studies.
Siti Nuryani Kasanah explained that this reunion was the first held by the class in 1999. The reunion carries the tagline: Reunion, Reconnect, and Revive. It reunites alums who have been separated for 25 years and serves as a nostalgic event that strengthens alum relations and enhances contributions to the alma mater. One of the initiatives taken was providing laptops for students from underprivileged families.
“We hope that KAFEGAMA '99 can make even greater and broader contributions to support the learning activities of students and the faculty in the future,” she said.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM), Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA., welcomed KAFEGAMA 1999’s efforts. He hopes that the aid provided will support and facilitate students’ studies.
Addressing the class of '99 alumni and new student laptop recipients, Didi expressed his hope that the class of '99 alumni could increase their contributions to the campus and society, the nation, and the country.
“We hope that some from the class of '99 will eventually hold important positions in this country, proving the results of education at FEB UGM. The new students can also see that their seniors have become successful after a long journey, inspiring them to stay motivated in their studies,” he emphasized.
During the reunion, the election of the new KAFEGAMA 99 chairperson was also held. After voting, Abdillah Rasyid Baswedan was elected as the latest and first chairperson of KAFEGAMA 99 for 2024-2029.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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